Elder Checketts has returned home on a medical release for a few weeks. The mission clock has stopped while he recovers. In order to answer any questions, we are posting some information below.
His medical condition involves pain in his stomach. He has lost 26 pounds as a result from the pain and difficulty eating. His systems are similar to Gastritis. There is a great staff of LDS doctors in Manila and he met with them. They have been unable to find anything wrong like ulcers or gallbladder problems. They believe he is reacting to the food, water, or environment in the Philippines. This happens to a few missionaries.
Missionaries with this kind of reaction usually recover within a 2 to 3 week period in the United States. So we have been asked not to try any interventions for that time to see if he improves on his own. He has already started to show signs of improvement.
The visas for the India missionaries started to come through the week before he came home. We were notified that his visa was approved and just received it today.
As soon as he is medically cleared to return, he will go back to India unless the Quorum of the 12 decides otherwise. Missionaries are in high demand in India right now, so we are very hopeful that he will again return to his Bangalore India mission.
If you would like to visit with him, please contact him through his mission email: zachary.checketts@myldsmail.net. If he feels well enough to visit he will let you know.
Please keep him in your prayers and thank you for your support.
Ginny Checketts
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Off to the Hospital
So this week was a little bit slower than past weeks. We had
a lot of people bunk on us and a lot of people tell us that we couldn't come
anymore. But its okay. We still found new investigators and they are great. I
hope that we can continue to find and teach and teach when we find. Anyway. We
found a new family. Just a young couple with a little girl. Awesome people. I
really hope to see them progress here. We started searching for some of the
long lost less actives in our area and we found one sister that stopped coming
to church after her husband past away. she is way nice and still believes the
church is true but works. I think she is definitely ready to come back. This
week we had a big stake conference and some general authorities addressed us
over a broadcast. We also got to hear Elder Anderson speak. He gave a great
talk on choosing to be the one to help. It was really good. Then they started
showing Meet the Mormons after and all the missionaries were so excited but
then the President called and said Missionaries can't stay. kinda sad but its okay.
After the mission.
Well yeah that was this week. We have baptisms scheduled for
July but not much happening in June. No news on any visa. Not sure whats going
on. Its okay though. So today I am going to Manila to the hospital there. I
guess they will do some tests there and see if they can figure out the problem
so I dont have much time. Hopefully it goes well. I am sure they will be able
to figure it out. And yeah. Haha thats about all thats going on this week. We
are having mission tour and Elder Bowen will be coming to our mission so I am
really excited for that. It will be good! Well thanks for everything. All those
that are praying and helping me and my family in any way Thank you so much.
Love you all have a great week.
Elder Checketts
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Transfer Week
Well Transfer week has come and gone! I am still here in
Mabalacat 2 with Elder On! There is a new elder in our apartment though and he
is from Arizona! He is from Basically Mesa. He said its like 5 minutes away
from Mesa. Pretty cool! His name is Elder Whaley. So yeah that's basically all
that happened with transfers. I'm the District leader here now. Aspiring. Just
kidding. Anyway. yeah it was a good week!
We found some really cool people to teach this week. We were
walking down the street in one of our areas and we heard some little kids
screaming "Americano!" And then their dad steps outside of the house
and he has a huge smile on his face and Says "Hi Joe!" I have decided
that whenever that happens its best to share the gospel! So that's what we did
and he invited us in and he and his friend listened to us! They Had a lot of
questions and accepted to hear again. He has an awesome family so hopefully we
can help them progress! When we went to a different area we were going to teach
a sister that we hadn't seen in a couple of weeks and we found her she brought
us around the back of her house and into her church..... It was slightly
awkward but so awesome. She brought a friend in and we taught the restoration.
Both accepted for baptism. I guess the one sister is like the vice president of
this spiritualist church.... I really hope they can come to church! So we are
teaching this other family and they are way cool. Ronato and Ronaldo. They read
the Book of Mormon every night. i think they are already in 2nd Nephi which is
way awesome. They really want to attend but they have work. Also when we walked
by the other day the Father was completely drunk. Awesome. Sort of. Lots to do
but I know this gospel can change anyone.
Yeah just the usual missionary life here. People running
when they see us coming down the street. Rabid Dogs chasing us. Awkward public
transportation. Trying to speak a language that makes no sense. Its cool. No
news on the visa. I think I just miss chicken curry most. Some members tried to
make some for me here. I commend them for their efforts. But... yeah. Joke it
was really good. just not the same. Um I got more sick this week so that was
cool. But luckily a loving Mothers package found its way to my stomach and I
took medicine that helped a lot! Also thanks to Bishop Brisko for the help in
getting it here so quickly! Also Tell Bishop I miss him. Also that the branches
in India and Philippines need him desperately.
Well yeah. That was this week. fun stuff. Whats new at home?
How is the fam? That goes to all who read this. I hope that you are all happy
and healthy. Be good. Don't do drugs. Keep the commandments. Read the book of
Mormon everyday. Pray Morning and night. Serve Others. Love you all.
Elder Checketts
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
New Investigators
Well another week dito sa Philippines gone by! No news on
the visa so I am guessing that I am to be left here to wallow in self-pity
until I die..... haha just kidding. I love this place. But I also miss India. I
don't know what I feel. Everyone this week was telling me about the heat wave
in India, so I was was semi-homesick. Like from India... Yeah anyway. This week
was swell! We went finding a lot and we found a lot! Heavenly father blessed us
with 12 new Investigators this week and most of them accepted a baptism date.
Haha but I guess the Philippines has some weird thing with talking to you the
first time and then they hide inside their houses the next time you come. Is it
like that everywhere? I dunno. Sometimes its painful. We are trying to work
more with members to help our investigators come to church. That always seems
to be the problem haha oh well. Its fine. We found a couple of small families
and they are awesome. They are busy but want us to come and teach them so that
will happen tonight. Hopefully we can help them out! Thats basically all that
happened this last week. Just the usual missionary work. Street contacting and
talking to everyone! Our goal for this week is to involve members a lot more.
We have selected fellowship for each investigator and will plan out lessons
when the members are free. Also to coordinate more with our bishop and other leaders.
They aren't too keen on working with us but we are going to change that!
Last Week's letter
Hello Everyone!
Well this week. We went Finding. And we found. Pretty
amazing how that works! Really though. So. This week we were able to find and
teach 9 new investigators. It started on Wednesday after we had a really good
District meeting. the sister giving the workshop was talking about faith vs
fear and asked why we don't ask for referrals after every single lesson. And I
said sometimes its because we feel like we already know what they are going to
say to us. And then she wrote "lack of faith" on the board and I was
like... Ouch.... But I kinda hit me and I decided that I never want anyone to
tell me that again...So after that we talked to literally everyone we could
have talked to. So the first person that accepted us was a grandpa named Oscar.
He is paralyzed on the left side of his body. He is an extremely nice guy but
said that he cant come to church because of his condition. We are working on
ways to be able to help him attend though so no worries. Also his Grandson
named Dale wasn't there for the first lesson but sat in on the next one and is
more interested than his Grandpa. He told that he has given up searching for
truth because he hasn't been able to find it in any of the churches he has
attended. He had to leave the lesson early because of work but Next lesson we
are going to help him out! I believe he is one of those people that were kept
from the truth because they knew not where to find it. Next we found a family
and the father wasn't too eager to listen at first but after wards he was
smiling and happy. His son accepted a baptism date but he said he wasn't ready
yet. Soon! Also. We found a young sister named Judy who also has been searching
for truth. She has been going to a lot of different churches looking for what
was right but wasn't sure. She accepted a Baptism date also! Then we received a
referral from the sister missionaries of a young man they had street contacted
so we set out to a place literally called Africa to go and find him and his
Family! Deep in the depths of the jungle we found them but he wasn't there! We
taught his mom and her friend and the mother accepted a baptism date as well.
Awesome! It was a really good week. We also have a lot of return appointments
with others that we contacted for this week.
I was able to attend the temple this week also! Such an
amazing blessing! We were able to see 2 families sealed together for time and
eternity. I love the temple for much! I missed it a lot! It was really fun and
I am grateful I was given an opportunity to go! Also big news.. so I received a
package! But it was dated march 17th. So the long lost box has found its way
here! I got the camera and everything! Haha the other elders in the apartment
were shocked that I thought HotTamales were good! They didn't like them very
much!The milk duds were completely melted but the freezer Still haven't seen
the other box yet But it will come soon I am sure. So that was our week! really
busy but fun! I love you all and hope you are doing well! Take care of
Elder Checketts
Monday, May 18, 2015
Going Finding
Sorry we missed posting last week. We were able to skype with Zach for Mother's Day. It was wonderful.
With my stomach issues, every time I eat a native food here
my stomach goes crazy. So I think what I am going to do is just ask what they
put into their food everytime I eat. I am taking a medicine called Buscopan and
its for stomach pain and it seems to be helping. Other than that I am just
going to look into my diet and see if I can find anything that helps. Well yeah
all is well here. Thanks for all that you have done for me. I appreciate. it!
Love you all
Well this week was semi uneventful... Haha We were finding a
lot and we actually received a couple of referrals! We tried to contact them
this week but a lot of people were busy or not at home everytime we visited. We
had the Yu family attend the temple this last Saturday but I didn't go because
of some stomach problems. But they are really an awesome couple. They are both
maybe in their late 60's. They were both very catholic before and it took a
long time for the missionaries to be able to teach them but they are really
some of my favorite people here. they always argue over doctrine and so when we
come they have a lot of questions for us! Haha something way funny. So they
have been members for about 3 years and we were talking about some of the
simple doctrines and We talked about the Godhead for a minute and we said that
Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, And the Holy Ghost are all separate beings. And
the Father goes.."Wait What?!?" He was rally confused but we showed
him a bunch of different scriptures to help him understand. Glad we cleared
that before going to the temple though!
Drinking Coconut water |
Well we are doing well here in Mabalacat. So big news. they
just split our Zone! I am now a part of the Mabalacat Zone instead of Angeles
Zone. Nothing really changed with us except for the name and some people were
added to our district. Pretty cool though. Means the mission is growing!
Elder Checketts
To God Be The Glory |
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Well this was an interesting week! I don'y even know where
to start. Maybe from the medical side of things. Oh man. So. I went to the
hospital and I had like 4 blood tests taken, luckily they only had to take 1
sample for all those tests because that needle was gigantic. Anyway. I had
another ultrasound done and yet again, no baby. So then I had a Ct scan. Oh my
goodness that was like the most painful experience of my entire life. So that
morning I already had to down a liter of water for the ultrasound, then I had
to drink another liter of water with some weird chemical in it. And they told
me that I was not allowed to use the restroom after I drank it, and they said I
had to wait until I had to "go" really bad so that the test was
effective. So once all is ready... I get in there and they scan me once and it
was fine. but then out comes the doctor with a catheter. Yikes. This might get
a little graphic. But the doctor turns me on my side and says breath in!
Yeahhhhh so then all that is going on and lo and behold. behind the glass
window of the room are 5 nurses all sitting there watching this go down! I
don't know if they just want to learn about the procedure or if this was the
first time they had seen an American rear end. Either way it was awful. Anyway.
They inject fluids where they arent supposed to go and all the while I am in
extreme agony because i need to relieve myself. So they get ready for another
scan and they are all yelling at me to relax and I can't for reasons past
explained! Then after that scan they hook up some weird fluid into my blood
system and I was literally begging them to let me go to the bathroom but they
said no. So I get hooked up to this machine and they inject something into me.
And I dunno if my body just wasn't used to this but I am pretty sure I started
going into shock. Like my arms went numb and I couldn't open my mouth and my
vision went blurry. I don't know. It was weird. So they scanned me again and
then finally let me go. So I was in full sprint through the hospital to the
comfort room . Awesome. I never want to go back to that place. I thought I was
going to meet my Maker. Yikes. Anyway. They still didn't find anything so I am
just going to take medicines of my choice and pray. So that was my experience
at the hospital.
Now on the more spiritual side of things. That very
same day! After the hospital we had nothin goin on and I had been humbled
sufficiently, so we went finding! We were knocking on doors and nothing then we
walked past this brother and he was sitting there smoking and smiled at us.
This is how the conversation went down. Word for word.
Elders: Hey
Grandpa: Hey
Elders: Whats your name?
Grandpa : Jim
Elders Hi Jim, can we teach you?
Jim: Yeah
Elders: Okay where?
Jim: right here
Elders: Sweet!
Boom! Taught the restoration and he accepted a baptism date.
Proof that Mariah Carey taught doctrine when she sang There can be miracles
when you believe! Haha Pretty cool Then on our way to the next appointment and
talked to a man named Conrad. He spoke wonderful English. He told us he was
busy working but he gave his number to us and asked us to come visit his
family. Too bad he doesn't live in our area. So we had a referral for the
Sisters serving in our ward! Solid. Well yeah We had 2 investigators at church
which is way cool, we are teaching a recent converts sister and when we
went there she had a friend visiting so we taught her also! She was way cool
and very receptive but again, doesn't live in our area. Thats okay though! I am
fine with that! Planting seeds for future elders to harvest! Also we had a
wonderful number of 98 people in sacrament meeting! I think thats like the
highest its been in a while! In this area we mostly work with less actives but
there are only like 8 families in our area that are members and 4 or 5 of those
families are completely active. Pretty sweet. Not a lot going on here but We
will keep working hard to get things moving.
No word on the visa. I miss India. but I will serve where
the Lord wants me to serve. I am learning a lot more Tagalog but still am
handicapped when speaking it. We are going to the Temple on May 16! I am so
excited! It will probably be in Tagalog so I will have no idea whats going on
but I am still pumped. Well yeah. Those were the main events of the week. Hope
all is well at home! Love yaa!
Elder Checketts
Monday, April 27, 2015
New Area!
What a busy week! So I have been transferred from Tarlac!
Its always sad saying goodbye to the people you meet in each ward! definitely I
hate goodbyes! But I know that someday I will be able to see them all again!
Well. I have been transferred to the Angeles Zone. I am in an area about 45
minutes outside of Angeles but its still a big city called Mabalacat. Pretty
sweet. My new companion is Elder On. Pretty awesome. He is from Cavite and is a
way cool guy. Happy literally all the time! He reminds of the kid from the
movie Up. Not so much the looks but just the way he talks. It keeps me
Well this new area is going to take some work! I guess
things have been going pretty slow here for the past year or so. My letters
might get a little boring for the nest while because we will be finding all day
every day! But I am excited! We have 1 progressing Investigator named Dina. She
is way cool. She told us that she really wants a firm testimony of the gospel
before she gets baptized. But she won't pray by herself. We don't know why! But
we will be working on that. And we don't have any other investigators . Pretty
sweet. But big news! Oh man. Are you ready. Okay. So. There was a less active
couple in our area that they reactivated last transfer and they are now ready
to go to the temple! Which means the missionaries will be able to go with them.
And I am a missionary.... which means I can go to the temple!!! I am so excited!
We will be going to the Manila temple on May 16. I have really learned how
blessed we are in Utah to have so many temples around us! I think its something
that we all take for granted sometimes. I have a goal that when I am home I
will attend the temple weekly. I am really excited for the temple in Thailand
because now the members in India can go there instead of Hong Kong! Really
exciting stuff!
Well no word on the visa. I miss India. But its okay. I just
need some Chicken curry. I am having withdrawals! With the stomach problems I
am going back to Tarlac today to go to the hospital and get another blood test
and a stool check. Not excited for that one. But hopefully they can find
whatever it is. I have found that the more I try to relax, the better I feel.
but who knows. Well yeah. Thats about it. I hope all is going well at home. I
will probably learn Tagalog pretty quickly here because I am living with 3
Filipinos! Its all Tagalog. but they all know English so its okay. Love you
all. Be safe. Don't do drugs.
Elder Checketts
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Hello Everyone!
So this week was awesome! We had a baptism! Andrew had
finally made it. He is awesome. I was actually kinda shocked when he asked me
to do it. We don't really speak the same language but he understands a little
bit of English so its fine! but yeah it was an awesome experience and I am
grateful I had it! So that was definitely the highlight of the week! But we
also had another investigator at church and like 5 less active members! It was
so awesome! Awesome way to end the week. We also found 4 or 5 new investigators
and I think almost all of them accepted a baptism date. I feel like I should tell
you this is mostly due to the efforts of my companion as I am handicapped when
it comes to speaking the language. I just kinda sit there in the lesson, smile,
maybe nod and act like I know whats going on, and then bare testimony at the
end. Its pretty sweet. Anyway. It was a good week. Nice way to end the
With transfers I have no idea whats going on. Definitely I
am staying another transfer here in the Philippines but we are pretty sure that
we will both be transferred because this area is only temporary. This Wednesday
is when we will find out whats happening. No word on the visa... Yeah. Um with
the package I have no idea. Its probably somewhere in Africa.
My stomach is still being a jew but I have gotten used to
it. It doesn't bother me much anymore. So I am sorry if this offends anyone...
But Filipino food is just not my jam. Compared to eating beautiful chicken
curry everyday to plain rice with a little bit of soy sauce and a fried fish on
the side just doesn't do it for me. Also there isn't much spicy food here. Its
fine. They also have real beef here so I can't complain. Also Seven Eleven. I
don't know how or why but those things are every where and it is so
Anyway. Did i miss anything? The Church is true. No matter
how far away you think you are you can still always come back. Seriously I love
studying the Atonement. Its power goes far beyond cleaning us from sin. I
really do stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me! Well I love you all.
Take care of yourselves. I will probably email from a different area next week.
Maybe. Love yaa
Elder Checketts
Monday, April 13, 2015
Hello my beloved family, friends, and acquaintances
What a wonderful week! So awesome. Where do I begin. Well
Andrew (one of our few progressing investigators) passed his baptism interview
and is now on his way to being that much closer to being able to enter the
kingdom of God. So pumped. The event should be taking place this Saturday.
Please pray that it works out! I am really excited for it! We had some awesome
lessons this week. First was this brother named Raffy we taught when we first
got here but he didnt seem too interested. about a month ago he asked for the
testaments dvd and so we gave it to him. Also his wife is a less active member.
Anyway. I guess he watched it like 2 or 3 times and we weren't ever able to
meet with him again until this last week. He asked us a bunch of questions
about the Book of Mormon. and He said he wanted to know more about what Christ
did while he visited the people in America. Then he asked about Joseph Smith
and about his life. We talked to him about how he was just a 14 year old farm
boy who wanted the truth. He was pretty amazed with everything. The lesson was
all over the place but the spirit was definitely there. It was way awesome. He
really wants to read and continue to learn about the Book of Mormon. Such an
awesome experience though. Also we taught a sister named Rika. We weren't too
sure about her at first because she was wearing a hat that had
"marijuana" written on it and she was a little crazy. but she invited
us to her house. so we went. and we taught. and we felt the spirit. It was
interesting to watch her understand. She seemed a little changed by it. We will
be returning this Tuesday. Pumped. Anyway. Solid week. And this week should be
another awesome one.
Conference, man. No words. My mind was blown spiritually.
and metaphorically. Whatever that means. Seriously though so good. Although. I
am not going to lie. After hearing the Saturday morning session and I was
pretty convinced that I needed to get married Immediately. Just kidding. That
phase of my life can wait. Well I will just tell a few of my favorite talks.
Saturday morning session. Dallin H Oaks takes the cake. Such a great talk. I
love that parable and now I understand it so much better. Also I love that he
said that the root of all evil is not money... but the love of money. Doctrine.
Anyway. Saturday afternoon session I cant able to decide which was my favorite.
Between Elder Bednar, Elder Anderson, and Elder Renlund. Of course Bednar's
talk blew my mind, but I love the story of the Indian that Elder Anderson spoke
about saying "I can teach you to dance, but I can't teach you to hear the
music." way cool. Priesthood session I think Elder Ballard wins. Actually
one of my favorite talks of conference! The advice he gave for preparing,
current, and returned missionaries was awesome. Sunday morning I can't able to
decide between Elder Holland and President Uchtdorf. Really awesome talks.
Sunday afternoon was great as well. Elder Pearsons talk about enduring to the
end was probably my favorite. But Elder Nelson did a really good job of
explaining the Sabbath day! Conference is a beautiful thing. I prayed for more
understanding of the plan of salvation and I definitely got multiple
I am so grateful for Prophets and Apostles that lead and
guide the Church today through revelation. For any that did not hear or listen
I invite you to do so now! And not just once. Every day! every day! every
![]() |
The Bishop took us to Dinner! |
No word on the visa. Transfers are next week. I will
probably go somewhere else but then again, ya never know. Well I love and pray
for you all. Thanks to all those who are supporting me and the rest of my
fellow missionaries. Love yaaaa
Elder Checketts
Monday, April 6, 2015
Super Typhoon/Apostasy Week
This week was okay. We taught
Andrew like everyday because he is moving out of the City but he will still
come back for church every weekend so he can still be baptized on the 18th! He
is a way awesome guy. He and his I think 4 year old son are great. So yeah. We
are teaching the family whose son we helped with the whole accident and going
to the hospital thing. The father has a BGD set for May 2nd but we will see how
that goes. Hopefully they can make it to the church. On Sunday we had like 5
Inactive families there! So awesome! pretty sure it was only because of Easter!
Still awesome! Also 2 Investigators came! Solid.
So I need to explain the hard
core apostasy that took place this week here in Tarlac. I guess only this area
has a tradition called Holy Week. And on the full moon tons of people come out
to the streets and watch men Cut their backs open and literally whip themselves
while walking up and down the streets in symbolism of Christs Atonement. There
is usually some guy dressed in all black at the front of the line with Weeds on
his head like the "crown" while carrying a giant cross. I guess it
resembles repentance for all the bad things they have done? And then that night
they all get drunk and party. Sooooo. Its gross. I added pictures. You dont
have to look at them if you dont want. Its nasty. Blood flies all over the
place and its all over the cars and sidewalks. I am just grateful That I am not
in the place where they crucify themselves. But I guess its near to where we
are. It was filthy. Anyway. I am eternally grateful that Christ went
through those things so that we don't have to. The love of God at its finest.
Well. As you all may have heard
there was a Giant super typhoon that came to the Philippines this last
weekend! It was sooo crazy! Winds picked up to an amazing 10mph! And it
literally did not drop a single drop of rain! It was cloudy all day though so
that was intense. Yeahhh. I was so excited. And then nothing. Its okay. If I am
stuck here for the rest of my mission then I don't need to worry about not
seeing another one.(please pray that that does not happen) it was wild. But I
am alive.
In other news I went to the
hospital and had an ultra sound done. Turns out I am pregnant. Its a boy!
Really though it was so awkward. All the nurses in there were just laughing and
kept telling me congratulations. It was a horrible experience. Also had a blood
test done. And the results of both tests were quite interesting. Turns out I
have absolutely nothing wrong with me. Besides the stupidity but then again
they didn't test that. Next time. Anyway The doctor that I went and saw gave me
some pills. Probably cocaine. I seriously have no idea what it was but my
stomach feels so much better. Yesterday was the first day in the last 2 months
that my stomach didn't hurt way bad. Miracles. And that's about it....
Well I hope all is going well
at home. Dad I am all for More Cowbell Marketing. I would invest in that. I
pray for you all everyday. Read your scriptures. Pray. Have FHE. I am sorry I
was a terrible child and didn't want to participate in that beautiful event. I
am stoked to have family night with you all when I get home. Love you all!
![]() |
simulating Christ's suffering by cutting and flogging |
Elder Checketts

Sunday, April 5, 2015
Typhoon Update from Mission
Families of Philippines Angeles Missionaries:
The typhoon that wasn't. Today is Preparation Day
in the Angeles Mission and we rejoice at the safety and well-being of our
missionaries and members. Tropical typhoon MAYSAK (CHEDENG) made its way
to and through the Philippines over the weekend. The storm was closely
monitored by the Philippines Area Office with regular bulletins to Mission
Presidents over the past week. The storm was once a super typhoon over
the Pacific but as it approached Luzon it drastically dissipated and finally
sputtered across the islands. Early forecasts called for a direct hit in
the Angeles Mission. In the end, Chedeng landed a glancing blow
to a very small portion of the mission. Ironically, we didn't even get
badly needed rain for the farmers in our area.
We believe that divine intervention protected the
missionaries of our mission and the good people of Central Luzon. Thank
you for your faith and prayers in our behalf. Great vigilance paid off
and we were ready for what was thought to be a severe storm. We were safe
and we are not sorry for the precautions that we took. We followed the
counsel and example of our Area Presidency and count ourselves blessed for
obedience. The storm has passed; all missionaries are accounted for.
We are gladly back to work.
President Scott Clark
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Another week in the Peenes
Hello everyone,
Another solid week in the Peenes finished! So this week was
a lot better than last week! We taught the kid that got in an accident and they
are way nice people. We set his father with a baptism date for the 25th of
April. We are a little worried that they are just letting us in because we
helped them out so we are visiting again tonight to kind of see if they really
are interested. Way nice family though. There are 3 kids and the mother passed
away a few years ago. I hope they can progress well! Also. We set like 4 other
people with a baptism date this last week so that was awesome. And we had 3
investigators at church! It was great! So we have been teaching this sister
named Arlene and she really wants to come to church but her husband has been
saying no. We taught him and he agreed to let her come and then on Sunday Both
of them and their 2 small kids came to sacrament meeting! The blessings of
missionary work. So nice!
I am so excited for conference! Oh man. Its like Christmas.
We wont see it until the week after you all do so don't tell me anything! Has
President Packer been translated yet? Anyway. Life is good. There are 10 other
guys from India here with me but only one of them is in my zone. No news on
visa or anything like that. They probably wont tell me anything until the end
of the transfer. There are 4 or 5 guys in front of me so once they get their
visas I will be next in like. They have been here for 4 months now. I am sure
Heavenly Father will make sure our visas are granted when the time is
Yeah I can't speak Tagalog. I am understanding more everyday
though. I taught Sunday school yesterday in English. haha no one understood. It
was awesome. But I am taking this time to really kind of redo my teaching. I am
studying to teach a lot more simply. And to focus more on asking questions and
relating the lesson directly to the investigator. Solid.
Cool. Well that's basically it. Oh! Man. Okay. So there is
this inactive family we have been trying to teach and the father is really
wealthy and gives all his kids his money so they support him in whatever he
does. He was also the first stake president of this area. He has also turned
from the church. We met him last week and he is crazy. It was so awesome. He
told us that he has come to know that the remaining Gold plates are located in
Nicaragua and he has been speaking to the "Americans" to go and find
them. He speaks nice English though. Also he told us that if we understand that
my companion is brown, and I am white, and there are negros, then we understand
revelation. Pretty awesome. I felt inspired. Sort of. Haha no idea how to help
him. But he talked for about 45 minutes. Solid.
Love you all. Hope you have a great week. Drink a strawberry
shake for me.
Elder Checketts
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Wild Week
George's skeleton |
Well this week was Interesting. Soo to start. We had a small
St. Patricks day celebration. Pretty awesome.
Those pictures are gross. Got
some awesome fake mustaches from Elder Christensens mother who sent him a
package. Then On Tuesday a bunch of the elders in our Zone went and we all
helped the sister move their apartment. They had so much stuff. My arms hurt so
bad. It was solid. I installed the toilet. Planning on being a plumber when I
get home now. Anyway. It was cool. We set Andrew with a baptism date for April
11. I hope that works out. he is a way cool guy. Except he didn't come to church
yesterday. I guess he had to go out of town for a day or 2. But yeah. We are
teaching this new guy named Jessie and he is cool. His neighbors were laughing
at him for talking to us though so we are gonna go and teach his neighbors
tomorrow. About Outer Darkness. Joke. But he is a way nice guy.Hope he will progress. Umm yeah then Satan tried to burn our house down no joke. So Sunday was a way crazy day! After Church we came back to the house and there was a ton of smoke and we were like oh mann. But the other elders were there and told us to look out the back door. I guess there was a huge fire in the field behind our house and it literally came like 5 feet away from our apartment. (see pictures)
Fire |
Fire up to house |
Zoolander |
Pretty crazy week! It was fun though. No news on the visa. I
will probably die here. just kidding. But I might be here for a while. My
Tagalog is Pitiful. I can bear small testimony though. Thats cool. I understand
a lot more than I speak. Weird. Um yeah stomach is currently blowing up. No
idea what is wrong with it. Either the parasite is angry that I tried to kill
him or he now has a few friends. More to come on that. Umm. Life is swell. We
are struggling to get people to church. We are working on ways to help them get
there. Well yeah. Love you all. Proud of you all. I am praying for you
all. Love you
Elder Checketts
Experiment with hot dog, eggs and rice |
Comp Study |
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Tagalog...I can't able to speak that one
Hello everyone,

In other news a crazy old man at church yesterday told me
that if I didn't drink salt water, I am going to die.... I dunno maybe he is a
prophet. I'll pray about it. Anyway. Um yeah. What else. Tagalog..... I can't
able to speak that one. I can understand a lot more now though. Its a learning
process. Not going to lie. I miss India. Its really nice here. I am having fun.
But I miss India. I want to go home. But my experience in the Spokane mission
helped me to learn a lot about serving where I am asked to. But my mission call
never said anything about Tagalog... :)

Philippines Angeles Mission Office
F. Tanedo Street, Barangay San Nicolas,
Tarlac City, Tarlac 2300
Love you all and hope everything is going well at home. Keep
me updated on life and its events!
Elder Checketts
Monday, March 9, 2015
Good News. I have a Parasite!
Hey Everyone!
Well this week was a little slower than usual but still
good! We taught some awesome lessons this week! So I went on an exchange with
Elder Tucci this week! He finishes his mission in 4 days! And he is from
Australia. Way cool guy! We taught some awesome lessons to sister Arlene. She
really wants to join the church but has a hard time actually coming to the
church. We taught about what she wants in life and in order to be happy we have
to keep all the commandments. I dunno it was really good. Her Husband ended up
coming and talking to us about the church and wanted to come also.
Unfortunately Our meeting was "Gatorless." Anyway. It was a good
lesson. Also we went and taught brother Willy about the BoM. Man it was
awesome! We read Chapter 31 of 2 Ne. with him and we applied it directly to
him. It was way cool. At the end he was like wow this is really true. And we
were like YES! Although that clicked in his mind he wasn't able to come to
church. Sad. It was a fun week though. We had a missionary fireside and the
other elders in our Ward did most of it. It was good though. We talked about
unity between Missionaries and members. So important!
Well I have bad and good news. Bad news. My stomach went
crazy again. Good news. I have a parasite! But I am taking pills that kill them
and so I am feeling a lot better! So yes this week is transfer week here but
they wont tell us what will happen until Wednesday! I am pretty sure that my
companion and I are staying here though! No news on the Visa. Some elders have
told me that there are crazy things happening in India. I guess there is a big
revolt with all the Hindu's trying to convert all the Christians back to
Hinduism. They are not allowed to street contact or talk to random people
anymore. Hopefully that all clears up when I get back there! We will see. Well
all is well here in Tarlac. I dunno if I have told you about our area? Its part
of the city and one part is called San Isidro where we do most of our work and
another area called Santo Cristo. A lot of our area is businesses so its pretty
hard to find in some areas. But San Isidro is really good. lots of houses. Lots
of "Sqauter" houses. Means that they dont own the land and they just
built a small house out of random stuf. and they are "squating" until
they get kicked out. Kinda wild but lots of good people! Well yeah I am about
out of time. Love you all. Sorry I am bad at answering questions/emailing in
general. Take care!
Elder Checketts
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Thanks for Prayers
Well this week interesting! We met a few new people and they
are awesome, but we still haven't had any investigators come to church... But,
We did have 2 Inactive families come and another inactive sister! That
definitely made it all worth it! It was awesome! Its always the best feeling to
have someone you have been teaching attend all the meetings! Anyway, I have an
awesome missionary story that you all need to hear/experience. So. Let the
games begin. Do you remember Sister Lina who i mentioned last week and she is a
crazy Seventh Day Adventist? Yeah so we met her again.... And it was so crazy this
time. Man. Okay so we literally tried everything. Book of Mormon and Joseph
Smith and she was basically just yelling at us about how even the Book of
Mormon says to keep the Sabbath day holy. So elder Olohan pulls out the Bible
dictionary and I guess somehow she has a copy of our churches bible so she
pulls hers out and we read a few of the paragraphs. Her interpretation of it
was the strangest thing I have ever heard. It talks about how there is such a
thing as "revealed Religion" and she goes off about how that is
saying that Man changed the Sabbath and not God. Then after more apostate
interpretations she finally yells "WHO WROTE THIS!" while she was
pointing at it and we were like uhh and then she screams again "GOD WROTE
THIS!!!" And at that moment my testimony grew so much stronger. Because
our church is the one that wrote the Bible Dictionary. Was it Bruce R Mcconkie?
I think so.. I don't remember. Anyway. It was awesome. We didn't tell her that
though. We let her finish her violent opinions of the Sabbath day, and then
bore testistmony and left. She always asks us to come back though. No idea why.
I think she is possessed. Just kidding. But really she might be. Anyway. it was
hilarious but awesome and it made me so grateful to have a Prophet of God that
receives revelation for us and the church!
Well other than that we found a way cool family to teach.
One problem. the Grandma doesn't want her kids coming to our church. Such a
pain. Hopefully her heart will be softened as we continue to teach. Also we got
a referral from one of the Bishopric members. His Nephew. Way cool kid but
doesn't really care for Religion. That will soon change! He was way nice
though. I am excited to teach him. Also this week we were out street contacting
and I had "the Feeling" to talk to this sister and so we did. Turns
out she is an inactive member since like 1996. Taught her about The 2 great
commandments in the law. She is really nice and I hope to be able to help her
and her family!
Also another miracle. So my Stomach problems are basically
gone. I was having some way bad stomach pains for the last couple of weeks and
nothing was helping, but randomly one day it just kind of stopped. Its still
there every once in a while but no where near as bad as it was. So to all those
who were and are praying for me, Thank you!
Well I love it here in the Philippines. Definitely I want to
go back to India but this place is wonderful and the people are very kind.
Tagalog is.... fun... Still cant speak it but I can understand a lot now. Sort
of. Thanks for all your prayers and all that you have done for me! So many
blessing are coming every week! Also Ryan Happy Birthday! When the heck did you
get a girlfriend and why were Mom and Dad the first ones to tell me?? Update me
you Gentile! Also Matt and Chris good luck with the tests! and Dad with work!
And the rest of the fam and your endeavors! Love you all!
Sunday, February 22, 2015
This week in Tarlac
Hello Family!
Well another week gone by in
the Philippines! This week was alright. We have 2 investigators with a baptism
date. One sister named Arlene and another named Rika. They are really cool but
we aren't sure how serious they are yet. We will see. We are doing so much
finding in our area. It is really painful. But we are talking to a lot of
people So its good. We met with one Older sister named Lina this last week. She
is a hard core seventh day Adventist. Man she is so confused. We tried so many
things and showed so many scriptures. She ended up telling us that she believes
that the book of Mormon is true... but that she doesn't believe Joseph Smith is
a prophet..... Soooo Explain that one to me. I have no Idea. We ended up
bearing testimony and just told her to read and pray about Joseph Smith. Solid.
Well yeah. We are having fun
here in Tarlac. I bought a soccer ball last week. It has been glorious. Almost
broke everything in our house but its fine. Worth it. Just kidding. But really.
Its so nice to play a little again. This morning I remembered how bad I am at
basketball! We played early this morning and I mad a 3 pointer... that was
cool. Then I missed like 15 other shots. Everyone here is really good at
basketball cuz thats all they play. Literally everywhere we go there are people
playing on dirt courts. Its insane. Members play at the church literally every
night! I wish we could join them! I want to get people playing futbol! Anyway.
Life is swell. Have you guys heard of Balout? Its like famous here and all the
missionaries hate it. I guess its a fertilized duck egg and they eat it.
I hear its gross. but I want to try it. Maybe this week.
Well this week was rough. I had
to use toilet paper. Oh man it was awful. Took so much time and it was
painful.I am using a bucket when i get home. I really wonder why i ever liked
toilet paper. Its terrible. Anyway. I cant able to speak Tagalog at all still. I
kind of gave up on it. I need to repent and try again. The words are so hard to
say! Like Pananumpalataya means Faith. Ridiculous. Most people understand a
little bit of English here though. Or at least i think they do. They all act
like they understand and then I ask a question and they just sit there... So
then my companion translates. Fun stuff. The church is still true though. no
worries. Whit Happy birthday! Sorry I am a terrible family member and have like
forgotten like everyones birthdays. Repentance. Love you all!
Elder Checketts
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Hump Day and Birthday!
Hello everyone!
Well it was an eventful week! I finally hit my year mark!
Man crazy how fast time flies by. I still feel like I just left the MTC! I
still have so much to learn and so much to do! It was a solid week though! So
for my year mark, we celebrated by going to Mcdonalds. The first time I have
eaten real fast food in over a year! It was glorious. I teared up. Mostly
because as I was taking my first bite into the juicy crispy chicken sandwich,
Viva la Vida came on the radio.... It was so weird. I felt like I was in
America for a second but then I saw my companion eating rice with fried
chicken. Thats one of the specialties that mcdonalds has here I guess. Pretty
sweet. Then for my birthday some members gave us some food! It was Tilapia and
rice. It was actually really good. Im not gonna lie though... I still don't
like fish. my tongue was stabbed by like 30 bones. Its okay though. it tasted
really good! For dinner we went to a place called greenwich Pizzas. Man it was
way good. I had eaten Pizza in India before but this was sooo good. Also. I
prepared chicken curry for everyone staying in our apartment. It was nice and
spicy! Not as spicy as I would have liked but it was still good. I missed the
burn at the back of my throat. My companion wasn't too phased by it but one of
the zone leaders was crying. It was awesome. We used curry powder instead of
Chilli powder so it wasnt the same. Next time.
Well Yeah. Back to work. We didn't have any of our
investigators come to church so that was rough. But we are teaching some
really cool people. We are starting to focus on the less actives in this area
because there are a lot of them! i guess our area is only going to be a
temporary one. There were like 30 new missionaries that came last transfer so
they had to create a lot of new areas. I dont know how long we will stay here
though. We have to travel to the other side of the city to reach our area. Its
okay though. The people are are way nice. The biggest problem here is that no
one gets married because divorce is illegal. so people just live together. We
have 2 investigators with that problem and one of their boyfriends is a member.
I have no idea how to help with that problem because that is unacceptable in
India. If anyone does that there than I am pretty sure they will be stoned to
death... Just kidding. But seriously.... Anyway. Thats basically our work right
now. We street contact everyday all day. lots of finding!
This place is like in between America and India. They try so
hard to be like America. I have seen more American flags here than when I was
home! But its still kinda dirty and all the houses are stacked together. But no
where near as dirty as India. I don't know how to describe it. They actually
drive on the right side of the road! That was weird. Toilets here are nice.
Haha there is toilet paper but I don't want to use it. I am using the beautiful
bucket. Also! So theres no warm water here and our showers are freezing but its
nice because it gets pretty hot here. not as hot as Rajahmundry but close.
Anyway we use a bucket for showers as well. I will have to take a picture. I
cant send photos today cuz this computer is ridiculously slow and wont load
them. Next week!
Well i love you all and hope you are enjoying the warm
winter like I am! I just want to mention one of the gifts of the spirit. I
think i have talked about this before but I want you all to know the gift of
tongues is real. I haven't had it constantly, but there have been many times on
my mission when i heard someone speaking a foreign language to me and I have
understood exactly what they said. That has happened a few times while I have
been here in the Philippines and it is amazing. It usually happens when I least
expect it but also when I needed it the most. More evidence that God really
does love us. Oh that reminds me, I gave a talk on Charity in church on Sunday!
Hopefully they understood my English! I thought it went well. I connected it
with Matt. 22:36-40. When Christ tells the 2 great commandments in the law. Its
amazing how all the law and the prophets really do hang from these 2
commandments. Also How in the last days men's hearts will fail them, but
charity never faileth. I dunno. Charity is cool. love you all!
Elder Checketts
Monday, February 9, 2015
Hello from the Philippines
Hello everyone!
Well another week has come and
gone! Pretty sweet! Well the Philippines is crazy! Tagalog is a pain but I am
slowly learning. I think being in Rajahmundry for the past year has prepared me
a lot for being here. There is hardly any English there so here it is basically
the same. Its amazing how every trial in the mission prepares you for the next
one. The trials of my mission are just building off of each other. Its weird.
Anyway. I have no idea what the heck is going on here but everytime we end up
teaching someone it ends up being worth it. Sometimes I am hard hearted and I
get really frustrated so I decide that its pointless to say anything because
they won't understand me anyways but then I get into the lesson and the spirit
tells me to stop being a Jew and teach them, And then I am happy and life is
good again. It is an emotional roller coaster that I have been riding for 90%
of my mission. Good stuff. The missionaries here are all way cool and fun.
Except they all listen to EFY music so sometimes I want to kill myself. Its all
good though. I am getting used to it. Just a heads up. If I ever ask you to
send me EFY music I want to you scold me nicely. Haha thanks.
Well yeah, The food here is
okay I guess. I'm not gonna lie, Indian food is amazing. The food here has like
0 spice. Its gross. Just kidding. I had barbecue chicken last night at a
members house and cried. But still everytime we prepare in the apartment I have
to go out and buy some chilli powder. Man I miss chicken curry. But they have
pork and beef here so I can't complain!
Our area is hard but there a
lot of inactives that we are working with. We are trying to find new
investigators and we found a few formers. They are way nice people. None came
to church but this week we will try to help them with that. We had an entire inactive
family come to church yesterday so that made it all worth it! They are all
extremely nice people here. Just to give you an idea, A sister in church gave a
talk in mostly English yesterday and I am pretty sure the Bishop asked her to
do it just because I don't know Tagalog. Haha and then all the members asked me
to learn Tagalog after it hahaha working on it.
Hey you guys talked to Sonny
right? Man he is awesome. He comes on full day exchanges with us almost
everyday! He was baptized last May I think and he is preparing for a mission!
Haha he told me that he added you all on Facebook and talked to a couple of
you. He is a goober. Way nice guy though!
Well Life here is swell. Thank
you for all your prayers. I can definitely feel the blessings pouring in. So
many amazing things happen! I am praying for you all every day. I honestly
think my testimony of prayer has become the strongest. I have absolutely no
doubt whatsoever that God is listening and will always answer our prayers. Love
you all. Have a good week!
Elder Checketts
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